Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Flint, Michigan

October 7, 2015: 2nd day on the road

I knew that Flint, Michigan was a depressed area, but I wasn't prepared for the totally abandoned 3-storey hotel directly next door to the Cracker Barrel. After breakfast, I had to explore:

Click any photo for a larger, more detailed view

Abandoned hotel, Flint, Michigan

 No way in from this side (above)...

So I tried the other side...Yes. A window and a door with the boards removed.

Good-sized pool area.

...with a hot tub.

From the pool area, I made my way farther into the building.
Must have been a bathroom.

Then into the hall... 

There were hotel rooms off either side of the hall. Here's room 108:
That dark blob on the right is the shadow of my popup flash.

Farther down the hall, I came to a half-open set of doors:

It was pitch black, so I had to use the flash in order to see where it was safe to step. I'd take a flash photo, then check the camera's monitor to see what was ahead. I proceeded in this manner past the doors and began up a stairwell...
It was pitch black in here, but the flash photo showed me what was ahead.

But then I heard the sound of muffled footsteps on a floor above...and decided it was time to leave.

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