Monday, June 10, 2013

April 17-25 (continued)...Cottonwood, Jerome, and the Gold King Mine and Ghost Town

Blogger wouldn't let me add to the previous post, so here are the rest of the photos & text in a new post:

Here's a sampling of the some of the signs at Gold King:

Weather forecasting:

Some final photos of old cars:

Tow truck built on a Nash Metropolitan car

Leah and I would recommend both Jerome and Gold King Mine and Ghost Town. A couple of photos from a walk-around of Jerome:

Leah's new hat against an old building in Jerome

Fooling around with HDR (High Dynamic Range) photography

Fooling around with HDR (High Dynamic Range) photography
More photos from Gold King Mine and Ghost Town:
Visitor to Gold King Mine's office

Visitor to Gold King Mine's office

Visitor to Gold King Mine's office
Next post: Flagstaff and Grand Canyon

Stay well, all.

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