Wednesday, March 16, 2011

March 16: Thousand Trails FS free campground

I'm trying to catch the blog up to where we are today March 16...

February 25, Tubac Presidio:

While Leah explored Tubac art galleries and shops, I toured the Tubac school as it was in 1872, and got the flavor of what it would have been like to teach and to learn there:
When I entered the school, no one was there. I love exploring old places by myself. I was aware of a slight breeze, my own hollow footfalls, the creak of the wood floor beneath my feet, musty books, the breeze stirring pages... For the moment, I felt transported back in time.

Below: A teachers' view:

 ..."gets shaved in a barbershop"!!?

Some rules for students...

Teacher's Desk--with lesson plan and proverbs, enlarged below.
Left: Much has changed...

Right: Much is the same.

1 comment:

  1. Really interesting post. I know you love this kind of thing.
